Exploration on the Modularized and Level-division Teaching Model for the College Level Basic Computer Course 大学计算机基础课程模块化分级教学模式探索
Compact Modularized Computer Controlled Conditioning System with High Power Laser Pulsed Power 紧凑型模块化强激光脉冲能源系统
The hardware structure was modularized and a Direct User Interface ( DUI) was designed so that the system could work independently without the upper computer. 系统采用模块化硬件结构,并提供直接用户接口可使系统脱离上位机独立工作。
Practice shows that the modularized instruments have highly utility value. VI, a measurement and control system, is made up of computer hardware, modularization instrument hardware and software of data acquisition, data processing and communication. 实践表明,研制的模块化仪器为虚拟测试系统提供了完善的硬件平台。虚拟仪器是由模块化仪器硬件、计算机硬件和具有数据采集、处理、通讯功能的软件组成的测控系统。
In order to develop a real time, rapid and modularized flight simulation system based on current software and hardware, DirectX SDK is used for accessing the low level hardware directly and making full use of the optimized performance of the computer. 为了在实验室现有软、硬件基础上开发实时、快速和模块化的演示系统,使用DirectXSDK做开发工具,以便直接访问底层硬件,充分利用硬件的优化性能。
In this system, modularized design method is adopted, the PLC is the lower control cell, and the computer is used to control the roll casting process. 该方案采用模块化的设计方法,以西门子可编程序控制器PLC作为底层控制单元,以工控机作为上位机实现铸轧过程的板形监控。
Application of STD bus, modularized industrial computer to speed control in continuous mills STD总线模块式工业控制机在连轧机速度控制中的应用
In accordance with the characteristics of main drainage pump for coal mine and the present development of control and measurement technology, the paper introduces a kind of modularized computer monitoring system for main drainage pump underground coal mine. 针对煤矿主排水泵的特点和当前测控技术发展,本文介绍了一种基于模块化的煤矿井下主排水系统计算机监控系统。
Using Intelligent Modularized Console as Man-Machine Interface in Computer Based Interlocking System 采用智能单元式控制台实现计算机联锁系统的人机交互
The development of modern electronic technique makes power device element to be modularized, miniaturized and integrated; the development of modern control theory and computer technique makes the miniaturization control system practical. 现代电子技术的发展,使各种功率器件日益模块化、小型化、集成化,现代控制理论及计算机技术的发展使控制系统小型化成为现实。
With the rapid development of the high power, high switching-frequency, modularized, intelligent power electronic devices, computer technology, and modern control technology, the level of ac drive technology has been being continually improved. 随着大功率、高开关频率、模块化、智能化的新型电力电子器件的不断出现,以及计算机和现代控制技术的迅速发展,牵引变流器技术水平得到不断提高。
The software adopts the modularized design, especially in the main VI which uses the event driving programming structure, thus improves the computer executing efficiency and is easy to expand function for the system. 软件设计体现了模块化设计思想,特别是主Ⅵ中应用事件驱动编程结构,使计算机执行效率高,有利于系统功能的扩展。